SAVE THE DATE! Indoor Rowing Day in Canada is Saturday February 22, 2025 9 am to noon in every time zone. 

Indoor Rowing Day is open to everyone, from Olympians to first-timers, CrossFitters to you on your home rower!
Every kilometre counts as the participants attempt to travel 5,514 kms from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
It’s EASY to take part.
Let organizers know at what you have planned in advance or just join us on the day.
Add to the National Tally by emailing us your number of participants and total kilometres rowed.
If you are an individual rower, that’s great too! We love hearing where you are rowing and how far you went.
We also appreciate photos and videos, especially sweaty selfies! that we can share on our social media channels on Indoor Rowing Day.
Follow Indoor Rowing Day in Canada on social media – Facebook, Instagram


Red Island Regatta 2024


Save the Date! The Red Island Regatta will be held Saturday August 23, 2025 and Sunday August 24, 2025 at Brudenell River Provincial Park. 

For results and photos from 2024, visit the Red Island Regatta page.


Thank you to our officials, led by Charles Hauss, who has been one of the biggest promoters of coastal rowing in Canada. It was an honour to have him as our Chief Umpire. Charles was joined by Bonnie, Joan and Lesley, from Halifax, who have been coming to the Red Island Regatta since the start. Stephen, Mary-Lynne and Sterling were the officials from PEI, along with John Easton from Ontario. Thanks to you all.

Steve Robertson was an amazing support, introducing us to the Crew Timer app, giving us real time results on Saturday and Sunday. It was amazing. Many are calling it a game changer for regattas!!  Steve joined us at the regatta in the middle of his honeymoon. Thanks to Athena for letting him be part of our event!  Congratulations!!

Thanks to PEI Ground Search and Rescue for joining us again. Your presence is always much appreciated.

Thank you also to the Phil, Lynda and Eliza from the PEI Photography Club for joining us this year. Their photos are AMAZING!  We are very grateful.

The success of our event would not have been possible without the valuable assistance of our dedicated volunteers, and our sponsors.

The Prince Edward Island Government Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture; Sports, Recreation and Physical Activity Division 

Community Sport for All Initiative – Government of Canada 

PEI Alliance for Mental Well-Being 

The Canada Games Legacy Fund 

Immigrant and Refugee Services Association (IRSA) 

PEI Parks

East Coast Docks 

Cavendish Farms

Town of Three Rivers 

Three Rivers Marina

PEI Potato Board

We sincerely appreciate your support. Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that the Red Island Regatta will return on Saturday, August 23, and Sunday, August 24, 2025.

Nancy Russell – Regatta Chair and President of Rowing Prince Edward Island

Regatta Organizing Committee – Alan Hilburg, Margarita Alvarez Ramirez, Cynthia Drewry, Alex Forbes, Aoife Guilfoyle (Rowing PEI Administrative Coordinator)

Are you interested in learning to row? We have a list started already for June 2025. Email us if you are interested:


Click on this link to find out more about our Brackley Adult Rowing Program.

Visit our Junior Rowing page for information about rowing. Ages 14+!!



Join Rowing PEI on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!



Our coastal boats are made especially for the wind and wave conditions on the Harbour. We row out of the Charlottetown Yacht Club from May to October.
Intro to Rowing is your entry point to the wonderful sport of rowing! Whether you’re looking for a low impact, full body workout, a way to get out on the water, a chance to meet some great people or a combination, it all starts here.
No experience with water sports is needed and it is a great substitute for exercise after being in the gym all winter.


Want to get a taste of the Red Island Regatta?

Check out this video from the 2022 regatta!





Click  here for the link to the weather station at Charlottetown Yacht Club:

 Real time weather conditions available 24/7 thanks to UPEI’s Climate Lab.

Click here for WindFinder for the Charlottetown Harbour.

Check out our promo video to get a taste of this workout with a view!




Rowing is a great outdoor sport with fantastic scenery.  And it is considered one of the best workouts around!


Check out our HIGHLIGHTS from the 2022 Rowing PEI season:



Thank you to these important supporters of our rowing programs in 2022-2023.

Merci à ces importants partenaires de nos programmes d’aviron en 2022-2023.



Thank you to our 2023 sponsors:


Shaw’s Hotel 



Thank you to our 2022 sponsors:

Platinum Sponsor – Arsenault Bros Construction

Silver sponsors

Cooke Insurance

Brown’s Volkswagen

Shaw’s Hotel 


Check out the highlights from our 2021 Red Island Rowgatta, from Pat Martel Video!

Watch the video here:

Junior Rowing!

Please email to save a spot if you know someone between the ages of 14 and 20 who would like to row, please get in touch for more information! 

Here’s more about Rowing PEI!

Some of our Learn to Row participants and coaches …
And a sunrise row on the Charlottetown Harbour!


Read more about the benefits of rowing: 
“When we said full-body, we weren’t kidding. There’s just no comparison to cardio exercise that only involves the lower body, such as biking, the elliptical machine, or running on a treadmill. This is a calorie-killing, efficient workout.”

If you are goal-oriented, there is also the opportunity for all ages to compete. We will have coached sessions to prepare crews for the Nova Scotia Sprints in July and the Atlantics in October.
There is also a regatta here on P.E.I. in August every year, on the Brudenell River!


Our coastal boats are made especially for the wind and wave conditions on the Harbour. We row out of the Charlottetown Yacht Club from May to October.
Intro to Rowing is your entry point to the wonderful sport of rowing! Whether you’re looking for a low impact, full body workout, a way to get out on the water, a chance to meet some great people or a combination, it all starts here.
No experience with water sports is needed and it is a great substitute for exercise after being in the gym all winter.
Read more about Intro to Rowing.






The Red Island Regatta will return on Saturday August 26 and Sunday August 27, 2023!


Thanks to our regatta sponsors:
Rowing PEI greatly appreciates the support of the Legacy Trust Fund in growing our coaching and officiating capacity.

Indoor Rowing Day in Canada 2023! 


WE DID IT! We made it from tip to tip on Indoor Rowing Day in Canada!! ????Thanks to everyone rowing at Kinetic (220 kms) and #BZ (Well done!) to the crew at HMCS Queen Charlotte (100kms) plus we had a bonus 11 km from Emily Cameron in Scotland. Thank you also to Emma Porter for the wonderful map, Patty and Margarita on social media and Cynthia for tracking our metres! Let’s do it again next year PEI!!! #indoorrowingdayincanada

Check out this video for highlights from the day!!

Rowing PEI movie


Thanks to everyone who was part of the first ever Indoor Rowing Day in Canada – Coast to Coast 2020 on Saturday February 22, 2020!
Here on P.E.I., we had 50 participants and rowed more than 200 kilometres in 3 hours.

Photo Highlights from Rowing PEI