Taking action in the fight against climate change – how your rowing club can get involved
Brenda Taylor from Victoria recently hosted a webinar for RCA called Rowing and the Climate Crisis: Acting Now to Fight Climate Change.
You can watch the webinar:
*the slide in this post are from Brenda’s presentation
Here are some of the ideas that Brenda shared during her presentation:
- Electric outboards
- Energy efficiency upgrades- LED lights, heat pumps, thermopane windows, drying room for gear
- Solar
- Wind
- Recycling/reuse/REPAIR- buy good quality, keep it in good repair
- Encourage/support cycling, public transit, carpooling
- Refuse packaging/waste
- Nature based solutions – wetlands
- Travel to regattas
- Trailer/truck – share, aluminum….
- Share coach boats
- No single use plastics
- Procurement policies
- Boat pools
- Static umpiring at regattas
- No medals, tshirts, swag – https://treesnottees.com/event-organisers/
- Go paperless
- Climate Action working group
- GHG pilot
- Technical standards for boats- recycled content, lifespan, repairability
- HUB to share ideas
- Educate re boat repair and maintenance
- Lobby politicians
- Climate change education sessions for rowing boards and members
- Subsidies for eoutboards
- Carbon offsets
- Sport Canada- new Canadian Sport Policy
- Access to funding and expertise