The Annual General Meeting of Rowing P.E.I. will take place on Saturday March 30, 2019.
ALL MEMBERS ARE WELCOME and encouraged to attend. Family of rowers and others interested in our sport are also most welcome.
Date: SATURDAY March 30, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. – noon and we plan to go for lunch afterwards!
Place: House of Sport, Royalty Centre
40 Enman Crescent (a left turn off University Avenue after UPEI and before Staples, then turn right. Next to Charlottetown Rural)
Room Room 125, first floor
Come and find out about our plans for the 2019 season, including the return of the Red Island Regatta and our new Skills and Drills program.
Thanks – and be sure to save the date!
Daphne Dumont – President, Rowing PEI
The minutes from the 2018 AGM are pasted below.
2017 Annual General Meeting – Rowing PEI
March 17, 2018 10:00 a.m. House of Sport Royalty Centre
Present: Michael Gibson, Daphne Dumont, Nancy Russell, Brian Higgins, Dinah Arviko, Ernie Morello, Heather MacKinnon, Stephen Murray, Stephen Mellish, Joeanne Woodard, Russ Bryden, Lea Bryden.
- Call to Order:
Daphne Dumont called the meeting to order at 10:15
The official quorum is four members and 12 were present.
- Agenda:
The agenda was circulated and approved as presented.
- Approval of Minutes of 2017 Annual Meeting:
Moved by Nancy Russell, seconded by Michael Gibson that the minutes of the 2017 annual meeting be formally approved.
Carried unanimously.
- Business Arising:
None that would not be dealt with during the reports
- Reports:
5.2 Treasurer – Brian Higgins
(a) The Treasurer reviewed the annual statement of the 2017 year in detail.
He responded to questions from members about a contingency fund of some sort. We have about $9.5 k available if needed.
Question: at what point are we going to depreciate the assets. Board will take this on as a task.
Also need to finalize detailed inventory that was done in summer 2017. Board will also take this on.
Loan for quad will be paid off in mid-April. That will make us debt-free.
Moved by Brian Higgins, seconded by Michael Gibson that the 2017 annual statement of Rowing PEI be approved. Carried unanimously.
(b) The 2018 draft budget was circulated by the Treasurer.
Brian noted that we took in $30,000 and spent the same. He projects that number will be lower this year without the Canada Games income and expenses.
He highlighted that membership revenues were $2,000 more than projected because of the number of LTRs . 31 in 2017.
Ernie suggested we need to take a close look at maintaining and repairing the docks. Assess if they need work. They will deteriorate. Andrew at the CYC takes care of their docks.
Suggestion was made to have a look at them. Ernie will make contact with Andrew to have a look at them.
Our docks are from 2009 Games. There are 3 low profile and a finish and start and starter blocks in the woods at Brudenell. We sold 3 starter docks. They were the property of Canoe Kayak, which we were part of.
They could still be valuable if we could get them floated.
The board will continue to pursue this as a possibility.
Boat expenses are higher because we kept some wooden boats from Joyce’s barn. The board has agreed to store them for one year. But if nothing is done be fall, we will dispose of them.
Daphne – has to be part of the useful fleet.
There are two quads.
Heather did the repair clinic at the RCA Conference. We also have offers of help from Peter in New Brunswick.
Also discussed potential of selling them.
Moved by Brian Higgins, seconded by Michael Gibson that the detailed 2018 budget be adjusted as circulated
(c) Moved by Brian Higgins and seconded by Michael Gibson that Todd Gaudin continue to act as our accountant for 2017-2018 year.
Need a signed form from RCA that money comes from federal government. Has to be 40 per cent from government sources to get rebate.
If our income is not from government, then we will have to charge HST.
The board needs to deal with this immediately.
What about the threshold of gross revenue.
Brian will check with our accountant Todd Gaudin.
5.3 Competitive Program and “blue sky” recommendations – presentation of report by Lea Bryden.
5.4 Coastal Program – 2017 and 2018 plans – Nancy
New punch card system for 2018 – offer 4 rows for $100 with possibility of renewing
Double on the dock and reconfigure the dock
New L2 training in 2018 – focus on hospitality and customer service
LTR certification – continue to offer LTR on demand
Rowing the World – Canada Day weekend
World coastal championship in Victoria BC – training camp
5.5 Regattas (indoor/outdoor)
First Red Island Indoor Rowing Challenge in February 2018 – about a dozen participants. Brought ergs to the Stratford Town Hall. Southport Room. Borrowed USB hub from Row Nova Scotia to run Concept 2 racing Program. Thanks to Stephen Mellish for computer wizardry. Hope to grow the event in 2019.
2018 Red Island Regatta – Russ Bryden co-chair
Budget and Regatta package have been approved by the board.
Package has been sent to Chief umpire Linda Lee.
Regatta Central system is still in the works.
Working on the anchor screws at Brudenell.
Want to make money in the event.
Same format as last year.
Saturday August 25th and Sunday August 26th
- Bylaw Changes – Daphne
Amendment to the amendment
Change wording:
To continue to act as the
Motion – that the proposed bylaw amendment be passed as amended.
Moved by Stephen MURRAY, seconded by Russ Bryden.
- Nominating Report –
Members at large: Joeanne Woodard, Lea Bryden (liaison with flatwater task force)
Secretary – Nancy Russell (2nd of 3 years)
Treasurer- Brian Higgins (1 of 5 years max)
President- Daphne Dumont (2 of 3 years max)
We have approved the slate as nominated.
Daphne officially thanked Mike Gibson for his years of service and presented him with a gift.
5.1 President’s Report – Daphne Dumont
There will be a refresher for officials after extensive changes to the Rules of Racing. That will involve Stephen MURRAY, Mary Lynne Bruvels, and Daphne. There is money in the budget.
Great welcome to visiting rowers. This matters as they help spread the word.
Great social events.
Hired a summer student. Thanks to Ernie for application. We have applied again in 2018, with emphasis on the Regatta.
Shannon MacAulay- training for 6 months in Halifax with Pat Coady through RBC Training Ground
Emily Cameron is getting married in September on P.E.I. Congrats to her and Ollie.
- Other Business
Registration in person will be Saturday April 28th 10-2 at House of Sport Royalty Centre
Stephen Murray- we need to do succession planning for officials and coaches. The board will take this on as a project in 2018.
- Adjournment:
Adjournment there being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Minutes taken by board member Nancy Russell
Proposed Bylaw Amendments for Rowing PEI 2017 Annual Meeting — March 17, 2018
- Addition to “Objects and Purposes”: MOVED that the following object be added to the objects and purposes of the corporation, as #5;
- To act as the Provincial Sport Organization for the sport of rowing in P.E.I., provided this continues to be permitted by the province and by Rowing Canada.)
2: Reorganization of the Board of Directors: MOVED that Section 6(a) (Board of Directors) be amended to read as follows:
6.(a) The Board shall be comprised of three elected officers as well as one to six members at large, two of whom shall serve as:
(a) Liaison from the Coastal Rowing Committee; and
(b) Liaison from the Regatta Committee.
The officers shall be: (i) President;
(ii) Secretary; and
(iii) Treasurer.
The immediate Past-President may fill one of the member-at-large positions for one year, but may not vote.